New Platform Questionaire

Questions needed for your set-up on our new platform.

This form may not be pretty but it’s necessary for us to get your new site up quickly (and properly) with all of the right content. Often, dealers don’t think of the “other sides” of their business that they should add to their website. They don’t think to tell us they have 10 domain names, have won the chamber business of the year award, etc. Hopefully, this will get you thinking and you’ll provide us with great information for your new website. This will help show your clients who you really are! If you don’t have all of the information asked, please skip that item – it won’t slow down us building your site – we can add it anytime!

Contact Information
Company Information
We'll add the corresponding logo, a paragraph or a page if you'd like.
Maybe you have different domains like: & - OR - different extensions like: &
Even if you are "just using an address for email" you should point it to the website. We need this information to ensure proper set-up and functionality.
Do you have a "tagline" that you associate with your company or logo? If not, that's ok. We usually add a default like: Your Local Authorized Technology Partner!
Website Content Information
It's recommended that you have an email that mobile viewers can quickly click on to send you an email vs. filling out a form with their mobile device.
***This is different from the emails that will receive your forms - the email that each form is sent is not visible.***
BUSINESS PHOTOS: We strongly recommend that you avoid having all "stock business photos" on your site.
Many dealers will add photos of their building, showroom, a photo of someone next to a machine, a group or team, company vehicle, charity event, etc.
We'd be happy to add them! This will not hold up your site edits. If you do not have these available to send right now, let us know and you can send them at a later date.

Please send photos to:
We'd love to add a "community involvement" page for you. It can be a difference maker if a potential client is comparing you to a competitor!
We just had a dealer tell us that a local church went to their site and bought a machine before ever meeting them in person! They liked what they saw online!

IDEA TO HELP: Call a few non-profit organizations and tell them you would like to donate 1000 color copies or prints. Who couldn't use 1000 color prints?!
For more details on this, please visit:
We'd love to add a page about your local chamber involvement.
Again, this helps your potential clients who may not know you yet learn more about your company.

Additional Items Are Also Needed!
You will see more information on the "Thank You Screen" that pops up after you submit your questionnaire form.
Thank you!